Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 2015 Arms Workout

Well, that was an unintended hiatus from blogging! Between work, life, and going back to school things have been a little crazy around here! 

Earlier in 2015, I decided I was tired of looking generally "big" (for my standards) and decided to do something about it. I started my gradual exit from CrossFit, going from 4+ days a week to 2 or 3 days a week, eventually quitting altogether. Unfortunately, CrossFit did not give me the beach-ready body it promises. It made me bulky, and anyone familiar with endurance sports knows that extra bulk means less speed.

I already biked on the days I didn't CrossFit, so I started biking more and also added running into the mix. Both these activities helped to slim down my legs, but unfortunately didn't do much for my upper body. Therefore, I started adding a dumbbell arm workout to the mix. I change the workout up every month to prevent boredom and plateaus.

During the winter, doing this workout before embarking on a run, bike ride, or brick ensures that my arms don't freeze off my body and that I'm partially warmed up before I head outside. During the summer, being warmed up is the least of my worries, but so far it hasn't made me too warm to work out!

This month, I'm doing the following workout 2 to 3 times a week. I typically do all the movements in a row without any rest and then rest 1 minute and the end of each round:

For further information on the movements shown above, please check out the following links:

Side Fly Extension

Hammer Curl

Front Raise (Just Steps 3 & 4)

Overhead Triceps Curl (I use two dumbbells)

Cheer Press

Dumbbell Floor Press

Dumbbell Crossover (Underhand)

Russian Twist (Use a dumbbell instead) - Tapping the dumbbell on the right AND left sides is one repetition 

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my training regimen. As I am not a physician, please consult your doctor before performing this workout if you have any injuries or if you are embarking on a fitness journey for the first time. Honor your body and if it hurts, stop! Thanks!

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