Well, last week didn't exactly go as planned. We were in Havasu Thursday afternoon through Sunday, and I had planned to get at least one open water swim in while we were there (I was actually hoping to get two in). Well, something nasty must have been blooming out there, because I woke up Friday morning with allergies so bad I felt like I had a head cold. So those plans got thrown out the window..
Monday 8/17: Swim - 2,500 Yards (Masters Swim)
The pull buoy and I were BFFs, and I focused on maintaining my split time on the sets rather than doing the negative splits we were supposed to do. I know, I'm such a rebel, but it was all for the worthy cause of not destroying myself like I did last week. :)
Tuesday 8/18: Arm Circuit + 18.6 Mile Bike Ride
Nothing crazy, as my quads were still a little stiff. I focused on keeping my cadence up, and by the end of the bike ride the stiffness was gone.
Wednesday 8/19: Arm Circuit + 7.8 Mile Run
My running buddy is back! She ran a half marathon last weekend, so we ditched the pace run in favor of a shakeout run. We ended up going a little faster each mile, so I guess you could say unintended negative splits occurred. :)
Thursday 8/20: Bike 11.4 Mile + Run 5.6 Mile Brick
It was depressingly dark out at 4:45 AM, so I managed to dilly dally until finally getting on the saddle at 5:10 AM. I definitely need to work on just getting up and going - it gets harder as the days get shorter. I ran with my running buddy again, and our pace was slow but consistent.
Friday 8/21: Rest!
Dumb allergies - Zyrtec-D wasn't touching them.
Saturday 8/22: Rest!
More allergies. Having a sore throat when it is 105 degrees out is a unique kind of torture.
Sunday 8/23: Rest!
Even more allergies. Usually I am sad to leave Havasu, but this time it was a relief.
*Goals from last week*
1. Get an open water session in - Nope! Dumb allergies :(
2. Take a rest day or take it easy on Monday to recover from the long run - I did no long run and rested three days, so I'm pretty sure I doubly failed this one.
3. Stretch more! - I stretched two days last week, so that's progress!
**Goals for next week**
1. Stretch even more - aim for 3 or more days next week
2. Run to/from swim at least once
3. Get a 30+ mile bike ride in
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