Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday Mileage

Here's a summary of last week's workouts. Although I was happy that I got six workouts in, I didn't do a great job of meeting my goals. :( 

Monday 8/24: 10.6 Mile Run
This was supposed to be a 13 mile long run. It was originally scheduled for last Saturday, but I have a hard enough time running in 90 degree weather, so when I saw 105 degrees in the forecast for Havasu I moved it to Monday. My left knee started bugging me at around mile 8, most likely because my pace was about 7:45 for the first 7 miles. Things took a turn for the worse at around mile 10, so I cut the run short at 10.6 miles and had a nice, long cool down walk. I guess that's what I get for trying to do a 13 mile pace run. :)

Tuesday 8/25: Swim - 2,500 Yards (Masters Swim)
I worked on the dreaded backstroke again. Why does it have to be so awkward?! On a more positive note, the coach commented that he's noticed I'm getting faster! Yippee!

Wednesday 8/26: Arm Circuit + 8 Mile Pace Run
Man, was it hot and humid out! I walked out of the house wearing a tank top, but I decided before I even shut the front door that it was waaaaaay too hot for that. So I ran sexy-style in a sports bra. I'm pretty sure my white stomach blinded a few pedestrians. My average pace, including stops, was 8:11/mile. I think that translates to a 6:55/mile pace in normal weather conditions. :)

Thursday 8/27: Swim - 2,500 Yards (Masters Swim)
More fun times with the backstroke! Apparently I'm not rotating my shoulders enough - thanks, CrossFit! I guess that means I need to start stretching my shoulders more...

Friday 8/28: Arm Circuit + 19.5 Mile Bike Ride
So I got myself a pair of arm coolers (review to come!) and I figured this morning would be perfect to wear them, as it was extremely hot and muggy out. Well, the hot weather was victorious over the arm coolers. Otherwise, it was a great ride! My performance is definitely affected by the heat, so I'm looking forward to fall's cool mornings, or at least mornings cool enough for the arm coolers to keep up!

Saturday 8/29: 9 Mile "Long" Run
So this was supposed to be a 20 mile run, but life got in the way. Darn work that pays the bills! Honestly, it was so hot out that running any more than that probably would have left me pretty dehydrated. I'll make it up later on when my running buddy is tapering and it isn't so hot out.

Sunday 8/30: Active Recovery - Paddleboarding!
We were planning to go for a bike ride, but it was so hot out that the ocean sounded much more inviting. Then I spent the afternoon studying...super exciting!

*Goals from last week* - I got a big, fat zero for zero :(
1. Stretch even more - aim for 3 or more days next week - NOPE! Only once last week...
2. Run to/from swim at least once - NOPE!
3. Get a 30+ mile bike ride in - NOPE!

**Goals for next week - AKA actually achieve last week's goals**
1. Stretch - aim for 3 or more days next week
2. Run to/from swim at least once
3. Get a 30+ mile bike ride in

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