Saturday, September 5, 2015

September 2015 Arms Workout

Once again, August flew by and now we're in September! I've been reading Strength Training for Triathletes in an attempt to find some tri-specific arm and core strength exercises. Aesthetically, my arms are looking much more balanced, so I figured it's time to start incorporating moves to help me become a stronger triathlete, especially for the swim portion. The author recommends the Dumbbell Angled Raise to strengthen what is typically the weakest part of your deltoids - the rear portion. I had a hard time finding anything on the interwebs even closely resembling this movement, so the video is really just to get a general sense of the up and down movement. If you happen to have the book, just turn to page 133!

I switched up the rep scheme a bit this month, but I'm still doing it 2 to 3 times per week. I'm also still rocking a pair of 15 pound dumbbells, but bear in mind that I did CrossFit for two years before I came to my senses and left the cult before realizing that I'm much happier swimming, biking, and running. There's no shame in using 5 pound or 10 pound dumbbells, as long as the weight is challenging, but doable!

For further information on the movements shown above, please check out the following links:

One-Arm Dumbbell Row - Do 10 reps per arm

Dumbbell Angled Raise - Thumbs should be pointed toward your legs at the bottom (step 1) and toward the floor at the top (step 2). Lift one arm at a time. Your arms should go out diagonal to your body at about 45 degrees. Basically, you're at the midpoint between a front raise and a side raise.

Crossover Hammer Curl

Shoulder Press

Tricep Extensions - Remember to keep your core tight on this one!

Wood Chopper - Use one dumbbell instead

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my training regimen. As I am not a physician, please consult your doctor before performing this workout if you have any injuries or if you are embarking on a fitness journey for the first time. Honor your body and if it hurts, stop! Thanks!

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