I switched up the rep scheme a bit this month, but I'm still doing it 2 to 3 times per week. I'm also still rocking a pair of 15 pound dumbbells, but bear in mind that I did CrossFit for two years
For further information on the movements shown above, please check out the following links:
One-Arm Dumbbell Row - Do 10 reps per arm
Dumbbell Angled Raise - Thumbs should be pointed toward your legs at the bottom (step 1) and toward the floor at the top (step 2). Lift one arm at a time. Your arms should go out diagonal to your body at about 45 degrees. Basically, you're at the midpoint between a front raise and a side raise.
Crossover Hammer Curl
Shoulder Press
Tricep Extensions - Remember to keep your core tight on this one!
Wood Chopper - Use one dumbbell instead
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my training regimen. As I am not a physician, please consult your doctor before performing this workout if you have any injuries or if you are embarking on a fitness journey for the first time. Honor your body and if it hurts, stop! Thanks!
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