Saturday, September 19, 2015

Tri Stuff I Want - September 2015 Edition

Work has been so crazy lately that I haven't had as much time to stare longingly at pretty, shiny things on the internet. On top of that, I had to take a final last weekend. Now that I'm on a two week break, I have some time to "window" shop! Enjoy!

1. Betty Designs Onyx Cycle Shorts and Tote: I think I need to rationalize Betty Designs' cycle shorts as an investment to save on future purchases and just buy them. You see, they are black cycle shorts that will match all the cycle and tri tops! Plus, they will match all the tops I have gathered from charity rides over the years. I am also loving Betty Designs' Lexie Tote. I desperately need a cute bag to carry my laptop, textbook, calculator, and all that other fun stuff that comes with going back to school.

2. Sock Doping: It's been so hot out that I've just been wearing my Peal Izumi tri shoes on bike rides. The mornings are starting to cool off, so I'll be switching to "real" cycling shoes soon. This means I'll be wearing socks again! I'm loving DeFeet's snazzy polka dot socks. They breathe, making them good for the fall transition, and the bright polka dots hopefully make me more visible to motorists. The Athletic also has some amazing mis-matched socks. However, I think the Sock Guy takes the cake with these amazing unicorn socks!

3. Garmin HRM-Tri: All the data junkies out there can now sleep at night, as Garmin has released a heart rate monitor that works in the pool! There is an HRM-Tri and an HRM-Swim. I haven't done a lot of research to decide which one I'll get, but yes, it is worth $100 or so to me to know what my heart rate is in the pool. I would be one of those data junkies who can now sleep. :)

4. Moxie Cycling Sale: A bunch of Moxie Cycling's shirts and jerseys are now on sale! I'll get around to reviewing them very soon, but I am a huge fan of their layered tanks and colorblock tees. I'm currently waiting for their cycle skirts to be back in stock. In the meantime, this sweetheart jersey is looking pretty cute. Hopefully it fits the same as the layered tanks. I have read some reviews on their website that the chest area is tight, but they do offer free exchanges, so maybe I just give it a shot...

5. Booties! I'm currently obsessed with the booties trend, though I'm not sure I could pull it off. I'm more of a Rainbows and UGGs kind of gal, as we're super casual at work. This pair by Helly Hansen is pretty casual, though not really booties in the true sense of the word. I really love this pair by Freebird (Steve Madden), but I'm not going to even kid myself to think I could pull them off. This pair by Lucky Brand is safe (and cheap). Or, maybe I just go back to ogling running and cycling shoes. I know I can pull them off. :)

I hope you enjoyed my monthly picks! Please note that all these links are for products that I just happen to think are pretty cool. There are a few Amazon Affiliate links, but I am not compensated by the companies for featuring their product(s).

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