Thursday, November 5, 2015

Monday Mileage...On A Thursday :)

I'm not quite sure what happened to this week - it was definitely one of those weeks where I feel like I blinked at it was almost Friday. Once again, better late than never!

Monday 10/26: Arm Circuit + Grappling Circuit + 1 Hour Bikram Yoga
Who knew how much more stuff you could accomplish when you didn't dilly dally in the morning! I had extra time before my yoga session so I threw in the Grappling Circuit, as I figured doing it right before yoga would minimize my chances of having DOMS for a week. I was back in my yoga "groove" this week - the instructor kept pushing me to go beyond my comfort zone in the postures so I felt like I really got a lot out of this session.

Tuesday 10/27: Run 1.7 Mi to Swim + Swim 2,200 Yards (Masters Swim) + Run 1.3 Mi Home
This definitely wasn't my best effort, as everything felt really tight this morning. We did a lot of stroke work, so I tried to focus on my weakness - the backstroke. I'm definitely getting faster, but it is still slow and awkward.

Wednesday 10/28: Bike 30 Miles to Work
I got up early, only dilly dallied about 10 minutes, and then I literally don't know what took an additional 30 minutes to get me out of the house. I still managed to get a pretty decent bike ride in before work, but I could have gotten an even longer ride in had those 30 minutes not disappeared. I'm going to have to keep a better eye on my watch!

Thursday 10/29: Swim - 2,400 Yards (Masters Swim)
I took about 10 minutes to stretch before swimming this morning. You'll never guess what happened - my shoulders weren't as tight! Everything just felt better this morning, so I guess the trick is stretching.

Friday 10/30 Bike 30 Miles to Work
Well, I'll be investing in a better bike light. It was pretty windy out the night before, but it was just breezy in the morning, and I've never been one to let a little wind stop me from riding. It was still dark out (think pre-time change), and my light isn't that bright, so I managed to run through a quite large tumbleweed. Luckily, my bike was fine and I just ended up with a little road rash. So I'll be shopping for a better light this weekend. Otherwise, it was a great ride.

Saturday 10/31: Run 5k + 26 Mile Bike Ride
I went for a quick run before biking with my fiancee. My training plan said "5-K Race," but I decided to take things slow at first. I ended up averaging a 7:40/mi pace, which I was happy about. Then we decided to go for a nice spin up the bike path. We stopped for brunch, drank a little too much champagne, but still managed to make it home fine. We know how to have a good time together! 

Sunday 11/1: Run 4 Miles
This run started out great but quickly went sideways. I just happened to choose an out and back route, so pretty much at my turnaround point I got a nasty side stitch that would not go away. Sadly, I ended up having to power walk most of the way home. I guess not all runs will be perfect, but I was pretty disappointed. :(

*Goals from last week*
1. Stretch after runs - nope, though I did at least ice my feet
2. Stick to the 15 minute time limit - see Wednesday :(
3. Actually get 4 runs in - nope, only 3 :(

**Goals for next week** - aka the same goals because I failed last week...
1. Stretch after runs
2. Stick to the 15 minute time limit
3. Actually get 4 runs in

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