Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Monday Mileage

This week was pretty lame - I was tired and achey all week. We've all been passing around this nasty cold at work, and so far I'd been fighting it off. Well, I finally gave in on Saturday. Being sick is no fun! :(

Monday 11/16: REST!
My whole body was aching, so I figured a full rest day was in order. Somehow I still managed to get to work late - I started folding laundry and lost track of time. Normal people would have just slept in...

Tuesday 11/17: Arm Circuit + Run 3 Miles
I was still sore and achey, so I forced myself to slow down a bit and really run this at an easy pace. In retrospect, I probably should have done this on the treadmill. The gym I go to is a less than 10 minute walk from my house, which is pretty much a warm up.

Wednesday 11/18: Grappling Circuit + Run 4 Miles
Ironically, I got less sleep that night, but I woke up feeling less tired and achey. It felt good to speed things up a bit on the run.

Thursday 11/19: Arm Circuit + 40 Minute Tempo Run
I did the tempo run on the treadmill so that I would actually warm up and cool down properly. I usually start my runs with a short walk, speed up to a power walk, and then hit start on my watch when I speed up to a slow jog. The slow jog usually only lasts a few minutes, and then i'm running at my normal pace. I'm sure any running coaches reading this are cringing. I had fun playing around with my speed on the treadmill to gradually build up to a fast run.

Friday 11/20: Bike 23 Miles
Well, it looks like I need to start streamlining my morning routine again. It doesn't help that it's super cold out, by Southern California standards. I did get some amazing Velocio thermal bib shorts that are just the right amount of warm, so hopefully the realization that I won't freeze to death will help motivate me to get on the saddle quicker! 

Saturday 11/21: Arm Circuit + Run 4 Miles
This was supposed to be a 10k race, but the minute I started running I knew I wasn't going to be up for that. Instead, I ran next week's 4 mile pace run. My average pace was 7:34/mi, so I was pretty happy about that. I know I won't be able to hold that kind of pace for 13.1 miles, but I'm going to try to hold at least a 7:45/mi pace as the mileage starts increasing.

Sunday 11/22: REST!
Well, my body finally gave into the sickness. The timing couldn't have been any more awful, as we had 15 people over for our annual Pre-Thanksgiving dinner that evening. I guess the only plus was that I couldn't really taste anything, so there was no temptation to over-indulge on tasty food. :)

*Goals from last week* - Go for 3/3 this week!
1. Get back in the pool! - still a big fat NOPE! :(
2. Stretch/ice after runs - done!
3. Get all 4 runs in - done!

**Goals for next week**
1. Get back in the pool!
2. Stretch!!!
3. Get the morning routine back under 15 minutes

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