Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday Mileage

I felt pretty good about my training this past week. Yes, I didn't manage to get a swim in, but I did finally get four runs in!

Monday 11/9: Run 4 Miles
I know, I know - Mondays are supposed to be yoga days. But, I'm checking out a new gym and I wanted to see what the treadmill and pool situation were like in the mornings. I was dragging from the weekend, but I have resolved to get four runs in this week, so I chose the treadmill even though the pool sounded better. Mentally, I can't handle running the same pace for 4 miles straight, so I'd start at a slower pace and gradually increase my speed up to my goal pace (7:59/mi). Then I'd drop back down to that slower pace and work my way up again. It worked, as the time on the treadmill flew by!

Tuesday 11/10: Arm Circuit + Bike 29 Miles to Work
I was super proud of myself - I didn't mess around at all in the morning and managed to fit the November Arm Circuit in before my bike ride. I was having a great bike ride to work... Then, our driver texted me to let me know he was "sick" and couldn't make it in. Guess who got to be the driver since he was out - on top of her normal duties?! Hey, at least he did it on a day where I biked so I started my day off in a good mood.

Wednesday 11/11: Grappling Circuit + 3 Mile Pace Run
I'm starting to think that I might be able to up my goal pace for the half marathon in February. I decided to go for feel and run at what felt like a "brisk run" pace. My average pace was 7:24/mile, and it definitely wasn't an all out, sprint effort. Since I was having stomach cramp issues just last week, I'm not going to commit to anything without feeling it out first for a week or two.

Thursday 11/12: Arm Circuit + Bike 28 Miles to Work
Brrrrrr! It was freezing out! My fall cycling gloves aren't keeping up with these chilly mornings, so my hands kept going numb. I left the house with enough time to do 30 miles, but I had to stop a few times to shake some life back into my fingers. Otherwise, the ride was great - it was a little breezy but nothing terrible. Next time, I'll wear my winter gloves.

Friday 11/13: Grappling Circuit + Run 8 Miles
Don't you love when you have one of those runs where everything feels great? Well, except for my fingers, but that's my own fault for not wearing gloves. You'd think I would have learned after yesterday, but I didn't. Anyways, this was an awesome run! I started to have some apprehensions about stomach cramps as I warmed up, but I had a little mental pep talk with myself and committed to having the best run possible. It's funny how much of this is mental, as I ended up having an amazing run with no stomach cramps whatsoever!

Saturday 11/14: Arm Circuit + Bike 24 Miles
I just wanted to do a light spin after yesterday's run, but it was pretty windy out. I ended up cutting things short, as I didn't want to destroy my legs. It is so easy to focus on the hassles of living in Southern California (taxes, traffic, distracted drivers, etc.) and forget that it's the middle of November and I can still bike outdoors without 15 layers on!

Sunday 11/15: 45 Mile Bike Ride + Run 7 x 400M
I went for a nice easy ride with my dad, then headed to the gym to do my fourth run of the week. I'm on week 5 of my half marathon training plan, and sadly this is the first time I actually got some speed work in. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and doing it on a treadmill definitely helped to control the speed and distance. The 400s were supposed to be at "5-K pace," but I did them at my goal race pace (7:59/mi) to gauge how I felt. I'll most likely speed things up going forward.

*Goals from last week*
1. Get back in the pool! - nope :(
2. Stretch/ice after runs - yep!
3. Actually get 4 runs in (no more excuses) - I made it happen!

**Goals for next week** - Go for 3/3 this week!
1. Get back in the pool!
2. Stretch/ice after runs
3. Get all 4 runs in

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