Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Mileage - Hopefully My Last Two-Fer...For A While!

Well, I was hoping to start off 2016 on the right foot, but of course, life got crazy! To make up for it, I've included some pictures from my recent travels.

Monday 12/28: REST!
I didn't really sleep all that well, so I decided to take the day off. I was hoping to get into work early instead, but somehow found myself folding laundry at 7:00 AM...

Tuesday 12/29: Bike 19 Miles to Work + Bike 12 Miles Home
I busted my rear end to get to work by 6:45 AM, as one of our customers was going to send us some items FedEx Early AM, which can be as early as 7:00 AM. They still hadn't shown up by 8:30 AM, so I called the customer. Turn out, they decided to not send the stuff in, so I could have gotten a much longer morning ride in. Oh well, at least I got some sort of ride in!

Wednesday 12/30: Run 7 x 400 M + Swim 1,500 Yards
Why yes, I know I was supposed to get two 2,000 yard swims in this week, but unfortunately, it just didn't happen. As you'll see in the pictures below, any hopes for getting some swims in while I was in Colorado were quickly destroyed when I realized how cold it was there. I upped my speed on the treadmill again - the first three rounds were done at 8.5 mph and the last four were done at 8.6 mph. I've really come to enjoy the cool-down swims afterward. I had to do some last-minute packing for my flight that evening to Colorado, so my gym time was cut short.

Thursday 12/31: REST! 
We rented a snowmobile and the beast below to go play in the snow up by Vail Pass. I had never been outdoors in single-digit temperatures, and I can honestly say that if I never do again, I won't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Otherwise, it was positively gorgeous out!

Friday 1/1: Run 5.7 Miles
Yup, that's ICE in the pool! I'm no wimp, but there are certain conditions I prefer not to work out in, and icy pools are definitely at the top of that list. So I ran indoors on the treadmill instead. In past visits to Colorado, the altitude really got to me, but I was able to maintain an average pace of 8:16/mi during this run. I'd love to do some running/cycling/triathlon events in Colorado, so I'm trying to acclimate to the altitude as much as I can!

Well, it's not completely iced over!
Saturday 1/2: Snowshoe/Hike 3.4 Miles
We learned an important lesson: Costco's snowshoes are piles of crap! We went to put on my snowshoes, and the heel clip snapped off. I tried to make do by wrapping the heel strap around my ankle, but that just became painful. Luckily, the snow on the trail was pretty packed down, so we ditched the snowshoes and went for a hike instead. :)

Sunday 1/3: Run 7.4 Miles
I am officially a Team HPB athlete! Going forward, I'll be coached by the fabulous Alyssa Godesky. Although I still seem to be getting faster as a runner, my swimming and biking has definitely plateaued, so I knew it was time to hire a coach. Being a Type A perfectionist, I am never happy if I am not getting stronger and faster! This was my first workout, and I must say it was a nice change from my normal treadmill routine! I was also happy to see that the altitude is having less of an effect on my!

Until next time, Colorado!
Monday 1/4: REST!
On Team HPB, Mondays are rest days. I decided to take full advantage of this and sleep in until 6:00 AM. :)

Tuesday 1/5: Run 4.8 Miles + Swim 2,300 Yards
When I saw sprint intervals on the docket, I was pretty terrified, but I figured my coach wouldn't have me do anything she didn't think I could do. They definitely got tough toward the end. Mental toughness is something I want to work on in 2016, so this was a great way to start chipping away at it. The swim afterward was good - lots of paddle and pull buoy work so my shoulders may feel it tomorrow.

Wednesday 1/6: Bike 18.8 Miles (Indoors)
We've lived in our house about five years, and in those five years, I have never used my indoor trainer. I guess you could say I'm not the biggest fan of it. I had to keep reminding myself that I am going to emerge a faster cyclist in Spring!

Thursday 1/7: Swim 2,300 Yards + Run 4.8 Miles
Another great swim/run combo! I'm really enjoying having more structure and purpose to my workouts!

Friday 1/8: Run 8 Miles - Hills!
I was originally planning to run a much steeper hill, but it's been raining here and that particular hill's sidewalk takes forever to dry. Thank goodness I picked a more manageable one, as today's hill repeats were brutal enough! I might just work on getting faster on this one before venturing to the steeper one...

Saturday 1/9: REST!
I unexpectedly found myself going to Lake Havasu, AZ at 6:00 AM to pick up my fiancĂ©'s truck. It was a plan that was sort-of in the works, but we decided against it Thursday night. He changed his mind on Friday, and was planning to take a buddy, but then that fell through. Friday's hills left me pretty stiff, so I wasn't too torn up about moving my rest day...

Not too shabby of a view!
Sunday 1/10: Run 8.7 Miles + Swim 2,000 Yards (ish)
Ugh. I woke up thinking I was going to have a great run, got myself psyched up, and then ended up having a pretty terrible run. :( However, I still finished it, so I gotta give myself props for that. I think the combination of a few glasses of wine the night before and the more arid Arizona climate did me in. My swim was a ton of fun - it was a recovery swim, so all my sets were 50 yards, so I totally rocked it in the hotel pool!

Oh Desert Bar, how I have missed you!
*Goals from last week*
1. Get two 2,000 yard swims in - finally, on week 2!
2. Actually publish Monday Mileage on every Monday - nope!
3. Actually keep the morning routine under 15 minutes - (mostly) yes...

**Goals for next week**
1. Up my stretching game
2. Actually publish Monday Mileage next Monday
3. Get back to posting reviews of stuff I like :)

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